Punjab Congress chief Navjot Singh Sidhu in his first interaction with the media after his party received a drubbing from the Aam Aadmi Party said that this is a politics of change. "I congratulate the people of Punjab for this excellent decision of ushering in a new system," he told reporters. When asked how he can say that being the Congress president, he asserted that the people have chosen change and they are never wrong. "The voice of the people is the voice of God. We should understand with humility and bow to it," he added.
Showing no signs of distress, he said the upliftment of Punjab is his mission and he never strayed from it and never will. "When a Yogi is on a crusade, they cut all ties and are free of all bounds. They don't even fear death. I am here in Punjab and will remain here. When someone has a higher objective and is in love with Punjab then he doesn't care about win or loss," he said.
"My connection with the people is not limited, it's spiritual and of the heart. My relationship with the people is not limited to poll wins and losses. I see God in the people of Punjab and my welfare in their welfare," he said.
Mr Sidhu lost the Amritsar East seat to Jeevanjyot Kaur of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) by a margin of over 6,000 votes. While he polled 32,929 votes, Ms Kaur received 39,520 votes.
The cricketer-turned-politician has in the past won three Lok Sabha elections from Amritsar on a BJP ticket. In 2017 assembly polls, he contested as a Congress candidate from the Amritsar East seat and won by a margin of 42,000 votes.
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