The fourth day of Navratri begins with the puja of Maa Kushmanda, the fourth avatar of Goddess Durga. The nine-day Navratri is being celebrated across the country. Even though the Navratri festivities are low key in an unprecedented pandemic year, the rituals are being observed at home with family. Maa Kushmanda signifies the 'cosmic egg' - the creator of the universe and for that she is often referred to as the 'Adishakti' or 'Adiswarup'. Kushmanda Devi is known to be so powerful that she has the glow of the Sun. Devotees worship Kushmanda Devi for health, wealth and strength. The colour of Maa Kushmanda is red. She is worshipped with any red flower.
Navratri 2020 Day 4: The day is dedicated to Maa Kushmanda
Kushmanda Devi is known as Ashtabhuja as she has eight hands and rides a lioness. She holds the Kamandal, Dhanush, Bada and Kamal in the four right hands and Amrit Kalash, Jap Mala, Gada and Chakra in the left hands.
According to scriptures, when Lord Vishnu started creating the universe, Kushmanda Devi smiled like a lotus flower and dispelled the darkness. Maa Kushmanda is hence said to create the universe from 'nothing'. Her smile is the source of the universe and the planets and stars appeared after that.
Navratri 2020 Day 4: Maa Kushmanda's puja vidhi and mantras
Devotees chant Om Devi Kushmandayai Namah a hundred and eight times in front of the Kalash that was installed on the first day of Navratri.
Prarthana: Surasampurna Kalasham Rudhiraplutameva Cha || Dadhana Hastapadmabhyam Kushmanda Shubhadastu Me
Stuti: Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Maa Kushmanda Rupena Samsthita || Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah
Dhyana: Vande Vanchhita Kamarthe Chandrardhakritashekharam || Simharudha Ashtabhuja Kushmanda Yashasvinim || Bhaswara Bhanu Nibham Anahata Sthitam Chaturtha Durga Trinetram || Kamandalu, Chapa, Bana, Padma, Sudhakalasha, Chakra, Gada, Japawatidharam || Patambara Paridhanam Kamaniyam Mriduhasya Nanalankara Bhushitam || Manjira, Hara, Keyura, Kinkini, Ratnakundala, Manditam || Praphulla Vadanamcharu Chibukam Kanta Kapolam Tugam Kucham || Komalangi Smeramukhi Shrikanti Nimnabhi Nitambanim
Stotra: Durgatinashini Tvamhi Daridradi Vinashanim
Jayamda Dhanada Kushmande Pranamamyaham
Jagatamata Jagatakatri Jagadadhara Rupanim
Charachareshwari Kushmande Pranamamyaham
Trailokyasundari Tvamhi Duhkha Shoka Nivarinim
Paramanandamayi, Kushmande Pranamamyaham
Wish you a safe and Happy Navratri 2020!
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