Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will offer prayers at the Gorakhnath Temple on the first day of Navratri on Saturday, temple officials said. Yogi Adityanath, the peethadheeshwar of Gorakshpeeth, will install a kalash at Shakti Durga Peeth and also perform puja of Goddess Durga on the first day of the nine-day festival, Gorakhnath Temple media in-charge Vinay Kumar Gautam said.
A light and sound show near the Bheem Sarovar at the temple started from Thursday after a gap of six months.
The temple office secretary, Dwarika Tiwari, said COVID-19 protocols were followed during the show and it will be organised regularly from now onwards.
The light and sound show was prepared by the state's tourism department based on the story of Shivavtari Mahayogi Guru Gorakshnath and the history and glory of the Nath sect.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath led the reopening of places of worship in the state on June 8, by visiting the Gorakhnath Temple. The temple was shut for over two months due to the coronavirus lockdown. With social distancing norms in place, many temples across Uttar Pradesh have reopened under Unlock5.
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