This Article is From May 05, 2012

NCTC: PM meets chief ministers


May 05, 2012 16:48 (IST)
Highlights of Chidambaram's press conference:
  • 24 chief ministers were present;3 ministers representing their states were present
  • Speakers recognized need for an NCTC and the powers and functions of the organisation
  • Strong support for NCTC, qualified support by some CM's and outright rejection of the idea by 3 CMs
  • Given the kind of threat India faces, between intelligence and investigative agencies, what India needs is a counter terrorism body. It needs to mobilize all sorts of power, including police, judicial, diplomatic.
  • Gaps cannot be filled by police, it needs to be filled by a strong anti-terror body. NCTC is that body. It will be highly trained and effective force
  • Success and failures in anti-terror operations documented
  • Firmly believe a strong anti-terror body is needed
  • The decision to bring NCTC under IB was taken by the government based on recommendations by the GoM in 2001
  • Two CMs have asked for more safeguards to be built, which will be considered
  • Powers and functions of NCTC can be debated
  • All suggestions will be carefully and anxiously considered

May 05, 2012 16:44 (IST)
Chidambaram's press conference begins

May 05, 2012 16:42 (IST)
NCTC meeting of chief ministers concludes
May 05, 2012 16:10 (IST)
Analysis: Why intel experts oppose NCTC
It's not just UPA's main ally Mamata Banerjee or Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik who are opposing the National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC), but even Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) - India's external intelligence agency - had put up a red flag way back in early2010. And, theirs was, perhaps, the first dissent that the Home Minister P Chidambaram faced.
May 05, 2012 15:05 (IST)
Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik wants sub-committe headed by Jayalalithaa:
NCTC isn't acceptable in the present form. It should not be part of IB. All operations should be conducted with state police. A sub- committee headed by headed by Dr Jayalithaa should look into all issues raised by the CMs. Read more

Jayalalithaa with Naveen Patnaik at NCTC meeting:

(Image: PTI)
May 05, 2012 14:59 (IST)
Assam CM on NCTC:
Chief minister Tarun Gagoi, who belongs to the Congress party has said he supports NCTC, however, conditions apply. "I support NCTC on special conditions. Govt should take state into confidence and all operations should be joint operations," he said.

From left- Narendra Modi, Bhupinder Singh Hooda and Tarun Gogoi at NCTC meeting:

(Image: PTI)

May 05, 2012 14:43 (IST)
Jayalalithaa speaks to media before leaving for Chennai:
Speaking to NDTV, Jayalalithaa said the chief ministers didn't share PM's view on NCTC being centre Vs state. She said the future of NCTC cannot be known as yet because deliberations are still underway.

"AIADMK  hasn't invalided it's stand. No concrete proposal has been brought to us yet," she added.

On Koodangulam project, she said that it is set to go critical in 10 days.
May 05, 2012 14:27 (IST)
From left- Punjab CM Parkash Singh Badal, Himachal Pradesh CM PK Dhumal and Uttarakhand CM Vijay Bahuguna at the NCTC meeting:

May 05, 2012 14:15 (IST)
Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee says NCTC unacceptable
Mamata Banerjee outrightly rejected NCTC, said it's not required. She said setting up of institutions like NCTC with the proposed powers of arrest and seizure upsets the federal structure of the country and strongly urged the central government to withdraw order on its formation. Read more

Mamata Banerjee and Chidambaram at the NCTC meeting:

(Image: PTI)
May 05, 2012 14:14 (IST)
Narendra Modi at NCTC meet:
  • Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi demanded for POTA to be re-introduced to combat terror and naxalism
  • Centre behaving like "Viceroys of yore"; NCTC is conscious strategy to cast the Centre as an "omnipresent" ruler with states portrayed as dependent vassal

May 05, 2012 13:54 (IST)
Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar's speech at NCTC meeting:
Maintaining that his objections with NCTC are not against the state's concern at the existing threat to national security, Nitish Kumar said that NCTC violates the sacrosanct principle of federalism. He said the order issued to set up NCTC also suffers from several legal and procedural defects. (Read full speech)

May 05, 2012 12:06 (IST)
Jayalalithaa advises PM to set house in order, slams Chidambaram in speech:
  • PM concerned about the fiscal deficit situation and the deteriorating balance of trade. The consequent downgrading by the credit agency - Standard and Poor- has categorised the global outlook on the Indian economy as negative.
  • Time has come for the government if India to concentrate on setting his own house in order rather than spending time in advising the state governments on principle of administration
  • Tamil Nadu govt didn't receive a copy of the order. Odisha CM shared a copy. Home Ministry's attitude towards TN is casual, bordering on disdain. Home ministry's negligence reveals the utter contempt the centre has for the TN govt.
  • There can't be one nodal centre sitting in home ministry, whose nod is required before any counter terrorist response is undertaken
  • NCTC seeks to accumulate more powers and distance the other stake holders. This will only strengthen the enemy
  • Instead of providing liberal financial assistance, MHA wants to belittle states and treat them like pawns on a chess board, who can be moved around at will. This idea is counter-productive idea and in violation of the constitution

Jayalalithaa with West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee at NCTC meet in New Delhi:

(Image: PTI)

May 05, 2012 12:04 (IST)
Highlights of Jayalalithaa's speech in NCTC meeting
  • Keep NCTC in abeyance and constitute committee of CMs to devise counter-terrorism strategy; Chart out way forward after recommendations of the sub-committee are available
  • IB will dominate NCTC. Manner in which the staff sought to be selected for NCTC provides the ammunition for RIFTS NOT Ross among various intelligence agencies, which is a regressive step
  • Idea of operations decision under IB, independent of state police and armed with powers of arrest and seizure, is preposterous and tweaks a total lack of understanding of ground realities
  • India's record against terrorism has shown that failures have occurred mainly in bringing about co-ordination between various intelligence gathering agencies. Kargil war exposed chinks in intelligence gathering and 2008 blasts in Mumbai displayed weakness in collection of information from the common people
  • The national investigating agency act 2008 is an instance of a brazen attempt at encroachment upon the powers of the States
  • NIA's powers to take up cases without the concurrence of the state government or even sup motu  is a case of the centre usurping powers of the state
  • Country wishes to know why NIA's trials in sensational acts of terrorism not concluded? Does Home Ministry want to have one more instance of failure in the NCTC as it is now proposed? NIA deserves to be wound up, if it's not providing results

May 05, 2012 11:19 (IST)
Prime Minister addresses chief ministers at NCTC meeting:

May 05, 2012 10:53 (IST)
Highlights of Prime Minister's address:
  • NCTC not a state vs Centre issue. It is a counterterrorism issue
  • Co-ordination necessary between Centre and state to fulfill task. Have achieved noteworthy success because state and central police are working together
  • Government remains committed to work with state and provide all help needed
  • NCTC will supplement counter-terror mechanism and not supplant the capabilities of the states
  • NCTC mechanism will give states capability to give a bigger picture of the terrorism act
  • Need fairly board consensus; want the states to be with centre
  • Want the state government's co-operation for this important mission; Central government open to suggestions of CMs
  • Wish all success in the deliberation and look forward to an open discussion
May 05, 2012 10:25 (IST)
Chidambaram addresses Chief Ministers at NCTC meeting

May 05, 2012 10:24 (IST)
After Mr Singh, Home Minister P Chidambaram begins his opening statement. He explains how the act came into being and all the changes brought about in existing terror laws to make it more powerful. He also added that all changes made were done after wide consultations. 

Highlights of Chidambaram's speech:

  • No one has questioned the validity of the act. After the horrific attack on Mumbai, there was a demand to strengthen the laws. All political parties joined together and unanimously passed the legislation.
  • The Preamble was amended and a resolution was made and all states were asked to take measures against terrorism.
  • Careful consultations and discussions were held in Parliament.
  • We have dealt with the genesis and objectives of this act.
  • Section 43B has an objective and has a clear mention of the state government
  • Under constitution, counterterrorism is a joint effort between the state and the governmentt
  • Many terrorists have footprint across borders.
  • Anti-terrorism border has to work with many organizations
  • Highlight new dimensions to terrorism threats
  • There are terrorism threats on the cyber domain. No border on the online domain, how does the centre combat this space?
  • Instances where despite sharing information with states on imminent terror attack, no action was taken because the state police had no capacity
  • 2 days ago, central agency received info about a possible terror attack. States were alerted. Suppose, an action has to be taken within minutes or seconds, does the Centre has the power to take action then?
  • Counter terrorism is a shared responsibility.

May 05, 2012 10:15 (IST)
Home Secretary RK Singh makes opening remarks. "We live in a difficult neighborhood, and even as we speak we have information about a terrorist module trying to attack us. The relevant issue has been shared with the concerned states," he says.


May 05, 2012 10:07 (IST)
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the NCTC meet

The 'make or break' meeting on the NCTC has begun. The Prime Minister, Home Minister, and Defence Minister have arrived.
May 05, 2012 10:03 (IST)
Tripura chief minister Manik Sarkar subjected to security check before being granted permission to enter the NCTC meet. Taking strong objection to being singled out for a check, Manik Sarkar complained to Chidambaram about the incident. The Home Minister then quickly acted to smooth over the situation.
