Commission for Women (NCW) chief Rekha Sharma on Thursday slammed former Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda for riding a tractor being "pulled by" some women MLAs during a protest over rising fuel prices and said it "compromises the idea of gender equality".
Ms Sharma condemned the manner of protest and said that the commission will take action if it gets a complaint.
"If women toil for livelihood, I've no problem. But if a man, especially a political leader, is sitting on the tractor and women are pulling it, this lowers the dignity of women and also the person sitting on the tractor. It compromises the idea of gender equality," Ms Sharma told ANI.
"If the women think they were made to do this forcibly, they can come to us. But even if they were doing it willingly, the one on the tractor should think that this shouldn't be done. If we get a complaint, we'll take action. Even if we don't get a complaint, it's condemnable," she added.
Mr Hooda led a protest from High Court chowk to Haryana assembly against rising in prices of petrol, diesel and cooking gas on Monday.
The Congress leader rode a tractor "pulled by" party legislators, including women MLAs, on the way to the Haryana Assembly on Monday.