The BJP has often called the UPA a collapsing house, but on Tuesday it had a reality check. It shelved plans for the NDA's vision document which was to be released claiming it would happen at a later date. But its own allies say this is more to keep the door open for post-poll alliances.
The NDA's prime ministerial candidate was supposed to unveil the alliance's manifesto but ended up releasing a BJP pamphlet on Dalit welfare.
BJP sources say, that allies like the Shiv Sena and the Akalis want issues like reservation for Maratas and the Anandpur Sahib resolution added to the manifesto that includes the Ram Mandir, abolition of Article 370 and uniform civil code.
With just two days to go before polling begins, the BJP did not want any controversy. But the official reason is quite different.
"We will look at it in time," BJP Spokesperson Ravi Shankar Prasad said.
"A common manifesto is not being released because you never know what will happen after the elections, if new parties join us after the elections, we will also have to take their demands into consideration," Shivanand Tiwari, National Spokesperson, JD (U) said.
NDA's vision document for good governance was supposed to be a show of strength but in a topsy turvy election in which alliances are breaking and forming, it seems no formation is certain - who is foe today and friend tomorrow.