Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today claimed the BJP "offered to spare ministers Manish Sisodia, Satyendar Jain" who are embroiled in investigations if the Aam Aadmi Party pulled out of the Gujarat elections.
Speaking at a NDTV townhall, Mr Kejriwal also said Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has emerged as the main challenger of the BJP in Gujarat where elections will be held next month. "There is no Congress in Gujarat. BJP is funding their own candidates as well as Congress candidates. The fight is AAP vs BJP-Congress combined," he said.
Here are the Highlights on Arvind Kejriwal's top quotes at NDTV townhall:
Watch: Arvind Kejriwal Puts His Gujarat Polls Prediction On Paper #KejriwalToNDTV
- NDTV (@ndtv) November 5, 2022