Delhi Chief minister Arvind Kejriwal today met the newest celebrity entrant to politics, actor-film-maker Prakash Raj. Without elaborating, his Aam Aadmi Party said the two had discussed "various issues". Mr Raj, who had been seeking justice for his friend - murdered journalist Gauri Lankesh -- had often been critical of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Today, he spoke in support of Congress chief Rahul Gandhi, saying his allegedly misogynistic remarks have been had been taken out of context.
Announcing his entry to politics last week, Mr Raj -- known for films like "Iruvar," "Anthapuram" and "Kanchivaram" -- said he would contest the coming national elections as an Independent candidate from the Bengaluru Central constituency.
This morning, Mr Kejriwal's Aam Aadmi Party tweeted: "Noted actor & politician @prakashraaj called on AAP Convenor & Delhi CM @ArvindKejriwal. They discussed various issues."
Mr Raj too, tweeted about the meeting.
Met delhi CM @ArvindKejriwal thanked him and @AamAadmiParty for the support in my political journey. Discussed and requested to share various ways to address issues which his team has commendably done.. #bengalurucentral #citizensvoice in parliament #justasking in parliament too
— Prakash Raj (@prakashraaj) January 10, 2019
Mr Kejriwal immediately tweeted his response:
We need people like Prakash Raj to enter Parliament.
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) January 10, 2019
Prakash ji, it was great meeting u today. AAP fully supports u and we agree wid ur decision to fight as an independent candidate. We need independent and non-partisan voices too in Parliament.
Mr Raj has been the third noted actor from southern cinema to turn to politics over the last two years. His predecessors were Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan, towering figures in the film industry.
Mr Haasan had welcomed Prakash Raj into politics last week, tweeting, "Wishing my friend Mr. Prakash Raj all the very best in his political journey. Thanks for walking the talk". The actor-director-producer had launched his party, the Makkal Needhi Maiam, last year.
The Aam Aadmi Party has also extended support to Mr Raj, saying all good people were "welcome" in politics.
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