This Article is From Jun 20, 2009

Never ending violence in NC Hills


In one of the worst massacres in Assam's N C Hills in recent months, 15 people were killed indiscriminately after setting the Michudi village on fire.

The graves of the eight children killed in these massacres lie in the village, the youngest being a two-year-old boy.

Village after village gutted out of existence, 300 houses gone in just three months. And the government doesn't have a clue of who is behind it. And even if they do they are not doing anything about it.
With the government failing to protect its citizens, people have started making their own arrangements. More than half the population in this district is now displaced. Majority of them are Dimasa and Zeme Naga tribals.

These people have just moved in from Michudi to a relief camp in Lodi village inside Halflong town.

"Dimasa militants came and killed us. We will all die fighting each other like this," a displaced villager said.

Displaced and dispossessed, gruesome violence has only pushed them into further anonymity.
