Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has given his clearance to the police to charge Union Minister Ashwini Kumar Choubey's son Arijit Shashwat for his alleged involvement in communal clashes in the state's Bhagalpur two years ago.
Arijit Shashwat, along with eight others, was named in a police case following communal riots that broke out on March 17, 2018 after some people objected to the loud music played during a procession led by him.
Several people, including two police personnel, were injured in the clashes that included gunfire, intense stone-throwing and arson.
Following video evidence that clearly implicated Arijit Shashwat, the police initiated action against him.
He surrendered and was arrested in April 2018 as Nitish Kumar's displeasure prevailed over BJP leaders including Ashwini Kumar Choubey, the Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare. He was later released on bail.
"We have received prosecution sanction against nine people including Arjit Shaswat which will pave the way for filing of chargesheet in a local court soon," Ashish Bharti, a senior police officer in Bhagalpur told NDTV.
According to sources, BJP leaders were surprised by the clearance to prosecute Arijit Shashwat but the police have confirmed that it came from the home department which means charges and evidences were examined and it seems officers received the signal from Nitish Kumar not to bury this case.
Arjit Shaswat who contested as a BJP candidate in the last assembly elections from Bhagalpur town will have to face the charges once they are filed and court takes up the case.
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