Shortly after taking oath as Bihar Chief Minister for the eighth time, Nitish Kumar countered the BJP's charge that he had insulted the public mandate by walking out of the alliance with BJP and tying up with the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD).
Here are his top 5 quotes:
"I didn't want to be CM after the 2020 (Assembly poll) results, but I was put under pressure. You see what happened."
"How many seats did we win in 2015! And look at what we have been reduced to. Ask people in the party what they have been reduced to."
"Whether I will stay or not, let people say what they have to say."
"I am not an aspirant for the PM's post. The question is will the person who came in 2014 win in 2024."
"In the last month and a half, I stopped talking to the media."