Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's close aide RCP Singh is set to be the Janata Dal United nominee in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's new government. RCP Singh is one of the most powerful leaders in Bihar's ruling party and was its main voice in tense talks over seat-sharing with the BJP before the national election.
RCP Singh is a former IAS (Indian Administrative Service) officer of the 1984 batch. He belonged to the Uttar Pradesh cadre.
He began as aide to Beni Prasad Verma, when he was Union Communications Minister in the United Front government. Later, he joined the team of Nitish Kumar, when he became Union Railway Minister in former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's government.
RCP Singh became Principal Secretary to Nitish Kumar when he became Bihar chief minister in 2005. In 2010, Mr Singh was nominated to the Rajya Sabha. He was re-nominated in 2016.
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