Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb, already under attack from Trinamool Congress, has now been targeted by two key members of his party. Declaring that there is "no democracy in Tripura", BJP MLAs Sudip Roy Burman and Ashish Saha have asked people to exercise their vote against the "ongoing hooliganism in the state" and the threats of the "ruling party goons".
Without naming the Chief Minister, who was Delhi's pick for the post, Mr Roy Burman said a "parachutist leader" is using "CPM-turned-BJP goons" for what he claimed was Mr Deb's "personal agenda" -- endearing himself to the Central leadership by winning the election by any means.
The state, he added, has turned into a "war zone full of negativity" where threats are used against people to stop them from casting their vote and to reveal his popularity among the BJP central leadership.
"There has been largescale violence across the state against that section of people who once risked their life risk and spent their money to remove the Communists and bring BJP to power," added the 54-year-old former minister.
"Thousands of BJP karyakartas today are of the view that these hooligans are earning a bad name for BJP and the national leaders... Instead of contesting the election on issues like development, personal attacks and character assassinations are going on. It says that the paratrooper leader is mentally perverted," he added.
"The police have miserably failed to protect lives and properties. Now I urge the common people to resist evil forces who are not BJP... they are playing a foul game, they are trying to help the Communists have its foot once again in Tripura," he added.
Tripura's ruling BJP has already been under attack from the Trinamool Congress over the alleged political violence in the state. The party has even gone to the Supreme Court, alleging that the state officials were in contempt of a Supreme Court order and sought action against them. The court had ordered the state to provide security to Trinamool leaders and ensure free and fair elections.