The Uttar Pradesh Assembly on Wednesday witnessed noisy scenes during the question hour over remarks made by a minister against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and state party president Ajay Kumar Lallu.
In reply to a question regarding irrigation facilities in Bundelkhand, Jal Shakti Minister Mahendra Singh called Ajay Kumar Lallu a ''Tathakathit adyaksh'' (so-called president) when the latter said that the Bundelkhand area was witnessing a maximum number of suicides by farmers.
"Bundelkhand witnessed the maximum number of suicides. Even yesterday, two farmers committed suicide," Ajay Kumar Lallu said while asking about irrigation facilities in the region.
In his reply, the minister called Ajay Kumar Lallu "Tathakathit adyaksh" of the Congress and even named Rahul Gandhi. He said they were the "ones who tell maximum number of lies."
"The maximum number of suicides were committed during the Congress regime, and no farmer committed suicide in the Yogi Adityanath regime," the minister added.
Congress Legislative Party leader Aradhana Shukla Mona said it was not appropriate to use such language in the House.
Later, Parliamentary Affairs Minister, Suresh Kumar Khanna, said such comments should not be made.
"The Congress member (Lallu) made certain allegations, the minister also reacted. If anything was unwarranted it can be taken out of the proceedings," Suresh Kumar Khanna said.
Leader of Opposition, Ram Govind Chowdhury, said the language used in the House should be such that it should not hurt anyone.
"The minister said nothing was done in past regimes in Bundelkhand. I want to tell him that in the previous Akhilesh Yadav regime, maximum works were done in the Bundelkhand region," he said.
The minister also gave details of schemes underway in the Bundelkhand region.