Actor Noor Malabika Das, who has worked in several webshows, was found dead in her Mumbai flat with the cops suspecting she died by suicide. Das, a former air hostess with Qatar Airways, was from Assam and lived in Mumbai's Lokhandwala. She was the co-star of Kajol in the 2023 legal drama 'The Trial'.
Her body was recovered from her flat on Thursday after her neighbours noticed a foul smell and informed the cops, sources said.
The cops broke open the door and found the 37-year-old actor's body in a decomposed state. They have collected samples, including medicines and mobile phones, from her home as part of the probe. But no suicide note was recovered from her flat, an official said, adding that an accidental death report (ADR) has been filed. An autopsy has also been conducted.
Malabika's elderly parents had visited her and recently returned to Assam. Since they couldn't travel to Mumbai again, her friend and actor Aloknath Pathak cremated her body with the help of an NGO.
All Indian Cine Workers Association has called on Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and Home Minister Devendra Fadnavis to conduct a thorough probe into the alleged suicide.
It is imperative for the government to probe the underlying causes behind these recurring tragedies in the Indian film industry, it said.
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