This Article is From Jun 26, 2014

Not Even 100-Hour Honeymoon Period for My Government: Prime Minister Narendra Modi

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New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who completed one month in office today, said in a blog that his government faced allegations "less than 100 hours" after taking charge and that deprived him of a long honeymoon period. (Read entire blog here)

"Previous governments had the luxury of extending (the) 'honeymoon period' up to a hundred days and even beyond. Not unexpectedly I don't have any such luxury. Forget hundred days; the series of allegations began in less than a hundred hours," he wrote.

The 63-year-old took charge last month after his BJP won a massive majority in the national election, decimating the Congress-led UPA. The new government's 30 days have been marked not just by a different style of functioning but also controversial moves to replace UPA appointees among bureaucrats and state governors.

Mr Modi today appeared to criticize the legacy of 10 years of UPA rule as he said, "There are areas we surely need to improve. A big challenge I am facing in Delhi is to convey to a select group of people about our sincerity to bring positive change in this country. These are people who are both within and outside the government system. There have been instances in the last month with which our government has nothing to do, yet these controversies have persisted."

He said he didn't "blame anybody" but felt the need to strengthen systems so "the right things are communicated to the right people at the right time."

Mr Modi, a four-time Gujarat Chief Minister, also shared that his confidence had "increased tremendously" though he began his new job with misgivings.

"When we took over a month ago, I kept thinking that I am new to this place and some people believed that I would take at least a year or even two to learn the intricacies of the working of the Central Government. Fortunately, a month later that thought does not exist any longer in my mind," he said.

Reacting to the blog, Congress leader Shakeel Ahmad said, "His government has been a complete failure in this one month."