This Article is From Nov 21, 2009

Obama-Manmohan to discuss 26/11 in Washington

New Delhi: President Obama will discuss 26/11 with Manmohan Singh during the Prime Minister's trip to America, confirms Timothy Roemer, the US Ambassador to India.

Manmohan would be the first head of government to be hosted at the White House after President Obama took over in January this year. He leaves for the US on Saturday.

On Wednesday, Roemer also said that America "needs to see action" by Pakistan against the terrorists behind 26/11.

Roemer added that Pakistan needs "to concentrate on dismantling terrorist infrastructure".

Besides discussing the status of the 26/11 probe, Obama will also share impressions and thoughts of his maiden visit to China with Manmohan.

State Department spokesman Ian Kelly told reporters at his daily news briefing that the US is looking forward to the state visit of the Indian Prime Minister.

"I am sure that since the President will have just gotten back from China, and that'll be fresh on his mind that he will share some of his impressions and thoughts about his visit to China as well," Kelly said in response to a question. (Read: Obama, Manmohan to talk China next week

Interestingly, in a joint statement with China, Obama on Tuesday voiced support for the improvement in Indo-Pak ties and their readiness to promote regional peace and stability. (Read: US-China statement: India uncomfortable)

Noting that the White House is working on an agenda for the Indo-US summit, Kelly said that Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs Bill Burns has been very actively involved in coordinating the strategic dialogue framework that the US has with India. (Read: Agenda for PM's upcoming visit to US)

"The Secretary (of State, Hillary Clinton) looks forward to participating in these meetings. I think she is going to host at least one event here at the State Department," he added.    

Meanwhile, the US House of Representative has decided to discuss a resolution commemorating the Indo-US relationship on Wednesday.

The resolution (H res No 890) moved by Congressman Jim McDermott and co-sponsored by 14 other lawmakers has been placed sixth the agenda item of the day according to the floor scheduled released last night by the House Majority Leader Steny H Hoyer.

Noting that India's relationship with the US has deepened in past years and encompasses cooperation on matters relating to international security, world trade, technology, science and health, the resolution looks forward to continuing progress in the relationship between the two countries.

Welcoming Prime Minister to the US, the resolution commends the maturating of the relationship between the US and India, exemplified by the current official visit of Dr Singh.

The resolution notes that the ties between the US and India has great potential to promote stability, democracy, prosperity, and peace throughout the world and enhance the ability of both countries to work together to provide global leadership in areas of mutual concern and interest.

It says that Singh has helped shaped India's economic policies to permit the expansion of a market economy, which has led to greater economic prosperity for India and the growth of a middle class.
