The Delhi police said that the Parliament security breach was well-coordinated and meticulously planned over months by six people, five of whom are now in police custody. During questioning, the accused told police that the breach was aimed at drawing the government's attention to various issues.
Sources said that the five accused have told police that they were upset with issues like unemployment, farmers' troubles and Manipur violence. They say they used the colour smoke to draw attention so that lawmakers have discussions on these issues.
"They had the same ideology and hence decided to give a message to the government. The security agencies are trying to ascertain if they were instructed by anyone or any organisation," an official said.
On Wednesday afternoon, as the Lok Sabha was holding a Zero Hour session, Sagar Sharma jumped out of the visitors' gallery and into the chamber. He popped a yellow smoke canister and, in incredible scenes, jumped from desk to desk in an attempt to reach the Lok Sabha Speaker's Chair.
He was overpowered and captured by MPs, several of whom then thrashed him. His accomplice - Manoranjan - remained in the gallery; he too opened a smoke canister, presumably to distract attention.
Two other protesters were caught releasing colour smoke from an aerosol canister on a road outside the Parliament.
While being taken away by police personnel, one of the protester told reporters, "We do not belong to any organisation. We are students and we are unemployed. Our parents work as labourers, and farmers, and some are small shopkeepers. An attempt is being made to suppress our voices."
Serious questions are already being questioned about the security breach, which comes on the 22nd anniversary of the terror attack on the old Parliament building. In fact, hours earlier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Droupadi Murmu led a tribute to the nine people who were killed.
Following the security breach yesterday, the area around Parliament was turned into a fortress with the deployment of police and paramilitary personnel, while the Delhi Police's Special Cell has been tasked with the investigation.