Oil India Limited's field headquarters in Assam's Dibrugarh district is facing one of the biggest IT crises as a section of the desktop computers have been shut down after malwares were found in them. The company has filed a case with the Assam Police and has claimed the hackers are 75 lakh dollars.
"After the preliminary investigation, it came to the notice that OlL's network, server and clients systems are facing network outage. Further, it also came to their notice that, cyber attacker has demanded 75,00,000 USD as a ransom through a note from an infected system," said Oil India in a statement.
Earlier, the company said three to four computers were "infected due to malware".
"As a precautionary measure, we had to withdraw many computers system from LAN connection after it has come to the knowledge that three to four computers are infected due to the virus and malwares. Internet connectivity remains restricted, however, this has not impacted any of our servers de-align with production and back-end business operations," said Tridip Hazarika, Public Relations, Corporate Communication, Oil India Ltd, in Duliajan.
He said the computers with the malwares have been identified and restoration work was underway.
"Our drilling work and other works have been going on but some of our computers are not functioning. We have identified the computers and started our restoration work. We have taken help from international security expert to solve the crisis," added Mr Hazarika.