In a shocking incident from Madhya Pradesh's Rewa district, a 24-year-old man was filmed brutally assaulting a 19-year-old woman for allegedly refusing to marry him. A viral video of the heart-wrenching attack showed the couple walking while holding hands when suddenly the man slaps her, grabs her hair, and slams her into the ground head-first. He then mercilessly kicks her with full force in the face and all over her body. The woman appears unconscious from the attack, and the man tried to steady her on her feet while instructing his friend who was recording the video to delete the footage. The woman was seen lying unconscious for hours on the side of the road.
The distressing video was shot on Wednesday in the Mauganj area of Rewa. The police registered a case against the two men under different sections of the law, including the IT Act, and have arrested the accused, Pankaj Tripathi, and the man who was recording the video. Pankaj Tripathi was caught from Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh after being on the run for days. Police are now interrogating both men.
Pankaj allegedly got furious when the woman refused to marry him, as her family didn't approve.
Locals found the woman unconscious on the side of the road, and informed the police, who took her to the hospital for treatment, and also registered a case.
Rewa's Additional Superintendent of Police, Anil Sonkar, said the man is a resident of Dhera village in Mauganj town, while the girl is from some other village.
"There was a dispute between the two about something, and the man beat up the woman. The people present on the spot informed the police, after which we reached the spot and brought the young couple with them. The woman was then sent to the hospital for treatment," Mr Sonkar said, adding that the woman's mother, who reached the police station, did not take any action.
The police, acting on the basis of the viral video, has registered a case against the man.
The victim filed a complaint against the person who shot and circulated the video, and a case has been registered under the Information Technology (IT) Act.