A car skids off an elevated road and comes crashing down into a parking lot below in dramatic visuals that have emerged from Shimla in Himachal Pradesh. The incident took place after a monkey came in front of the vehicle and the driver lost control in an attempt to save the animal's life.
The visuals, captured on a CCTV, show the car breaking the railing on the side of the road and falling into the parking of Hotel Himland in Himachal Pradesh's capital city.
Two passersby, who were at the spot during the incident, are seen rushing to rescue the occupants. The next few frames show the car surrounded by people trying to pull out those stuck in the car.
All the occupants of car - a family of three, including a 4-year-old - are safe. The car was travelling to Rampur from Delhi.
Monkeys, strolling around roads, snatching food from unsuspecting tourists, are a regular sight in Shimla. Monkey menace is one of the major concerns which has led the state government to make various efforts to control the population of the simian.