A 'haldi' ceremony in Hyderabad turned tragic after a man participating in it suddenly collapsed and died. The incident took place in Kala Pathar area of the city on February 20 and its video has gone viral on social media. The man who died has been identified as 40-year-old Mohammad Rabbani, who was working at a jewellery shop. On Thursday, another similar case was reported from Hyderabad where a 24-year-old police constable named Vishal died while working out in a gym.
In the video from the 'haldi' ceremony, Mr Rabbani is seen smiling and talking to the guests before proceeding to apply turmeric on the groom's feet during preparation for a wedding.
Other guests present at the venue are heard laughing and cracking jokes. One of the women present there teases Mr Rabbani for piling on pounds.
The man is also in a jovial mood, laughing at jokes. But as he bends forward to apply the turmeric, he collapses on the floor. He is believed to have suffered a cardiac arrest.
The groom and other guests immediately rush to pick him from the ground. Mr Rabbani was taken to the hospital where he died the next day (February 21).
The marriage ceremony was postponed after Mr Rabbani's death.
Days after this incident, second such incident was reported from Hyderabad where a young police constable died after collapsing in the gym during workout.
In the video of the incident, captured on CCTV, constable Vishal is seen performing push-ups. After finishing his set, he moves to another area and appears to be coughing while leaning forward.
Vishal takes the support of a gym machine nearby but his coughing becomes vigorous. Moments later, he sits on the ground and collapses.
Vishal's gym mates rushed Vishal to a hospital where doctors declared him dead.
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