A groom from Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, amazed everyone by reciting the Vedic mantras at his own wedding ceremony. A video of Vivek Kumar confidently chanting the sacred mantras at the altar, with his bride seated beside him, has gone viral on social media.
"Good job," an X user commented.
"Lucky bride," a comment read.
Another user called them a "Blessed couple."
Mr Kumar's wedding procession travelled from Rampur Maniharan to Haridwar, where he took on the priest's role to perform the rituals, reported ET citing Hindustan Live. Mr Kumar, a B.Pharma student at Gurukul Kangri University, prepared for this unique act over the years. Raised in a family closely associated with the Arya Samaj, he developed a deep interest in Vedic traditions and studied the mantras under the guidance of Acharya Virendra Shastri.
Mr Kumar, who has even officiated weddings for others in the past, wanted to send a message about preserving and appreciating India's rich traditions in today's world.
Grooms have been making headlines for unusual reasons lately.
In another incident from Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, a groom chased a mini-truck driver who had allegedly snatched his cash garland while the groom was riding a horse during the wedding procession.
The viral video showed the groom hopping onto a passer-by's bike and chasing the thief. At one point, the groom even climbed into the vehicle through a window to stop it.