Two men were brutally assaulted in Delhi on the night of December 20 while returning from a birthday party. A CCTV video footage of the incident shows a group of men attacking the victims, thrashing them with large rocks, and dragging them into a nearby drain. The incident happened in south Delhi's Sangam Vihar area late at night on Monday. One of the victims has died and the other has been severely injured.
The two victims have been identified as Pankaj, and 21-year-old Jatin, who works at a courier company.
At least seven men can be seen brutally beating up the two victims without any apparent provocation. Five men can be seen following them from behind while two of the attackers can be seen approaching them from the front. One of the victims can be seen immobile immediately after being attacked while the other keeps trying to get up. The attackers hit them with heavy rocks and throw their battered bodies into a drain and walked away.
The two men were returning from a friend's birthday party around 2 am were stopped by some men who demanded that they hand over their valuables. When they refused, the attackers started attacking them. The accused did not take away from Pankaj, but they snatched Rs 3,000 from Jatin's pocket.
With the help of Jatin's brother, Pankaj took Jatin to his home. On Monday morning, Pankaj and Jatin along with Jatin's brother went to AIIMS Trauma Centre, according to the FIR.
Later, Jatin succumbed to his injuries at the trauma centre on Wednesday.
After Jatin passed away on Wednesday, Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code was also added to the FIR, Vardhan said.
Accused Ali has one previous involvement of robbery, the police said.