Congress leader Rahul Gandhi shared throwback pictures with Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and said that the latter holds "a special place in my life", as he took to Instagram on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan today. While wishing his followers on the festival, Mr Gandhi also wrote the two had been each other's "friend and protector".
"There is a special place in my life for my sister. We are not only friends but also protectors of each other," the MP from Kerala's Wayanad said in a post to his 1.6 million followers on Instagram.
Priyanka Gandhi, 49, shared the post on Instagram stories with a heart emoji.
On Twitter, Ms Gandhi shared a picture from their childhood - where Priyanka Gandhi is seen holding Rahul Gandhi with her hands around him as he sits on her lap during a road trip with their father Rajiv Gandhi - to wish her followers on the social media platform.
रक्षाबंधन की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।
- Priyanka Gandhi Vadra (@priyankagandhi) August 22, 2021
Happy Raksha Bandhan to all you brothers and sisters out there…may you always look out for each other, love each other and make each other laugh as much as we do.#रक्षाबंधन
The brother-sister duo have always been publically expressive of the love and the bond they share.
"I have learned love, truth and patience from my brother while living with him through happiness and sorrow. I am proud to have such a brother," Priyanka Gandhi had tweeted in Hindi last year.
Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi are former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi's children. Rahul Gandhi, who was born in 1970, is two years elder to Priyanka Gandhi.
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