A year after the perpetrators of 26/11 hijacked the Kuber ship and killed three fishermen from south Gujarat on board, the families continue their struggle for survival.
Asmita is just a year and a half - too young to know the tragedy that struck her family a year ago, when her fisherman father Natwar had left home on MV Kuber, hoping for a good catch.
But terrorists involved in the deadly Mumbai terror attack hijacked the boat. Natwar and two other fishermen were killed and their bodies apparently dumped in the sea.
Ever since, it has been tough for Natwar's widow after the family lost the sole earning member.
"I and my daughter-in-law take turns to work in the fields since the kids are too small. We have to ensure the survival of our family by working as labourers. I don't know whether he will ever return," said Gulabiben, victim's mother.
Similar sentiments are echoed by the family members of the other victim, Mukesh.
For almost a year, the Gujarat government deprived these families of compensation, saying the fishermen were still missing.
Now close to the first anniversary of 26/11the government is handing out a conditional compensation of Rs 50,000 rupees.
"We have considered this a special case and put some conditions that if the victims who are still missing return by any chance then they will have to return the money," said B D Patel, TDO, Navsari.
But for the grieving family members, this is a mockery of their tragedy.
"With this amount our household cannot even run for seven months, leave aside seven years. I have to get my daughters married also. If the government actually wants to help they should give a job to my other son," said Damyantiben, wife of one of the victims.
A year after, the dastardly attacks for the families of the fishermen, the struggle for survival continues.
Asmita is just a year and a half - too young to know the tragedy that struck her family a year ago, when her fisherman father Natwar had left home on MV Kuber, hoping for a good catch.
But terrorists involved in the deadly Mumbai terror attack hijacked the boat. Natwar and two other fishermen were killed and their bodies apparently dumped in the sea.
Ever since, it has been tough for Natwar's widow after the family lost the sole earning member.
"I and my daughter-in-law take turns to work in the fields since the kids are too small. We have to ensure the survival of our family by working as labourers. I don't know whether he will ever return," said Gulabiben, victim's mother.
Similar sentiments are echoed by the family members of the other victim, Mukesh.
For almost a year, the Gujarat government deprived these families of compensation, saying the fishermen were still missing.
Now close to the first anniversary of 26/11the government is handing out a conditional compensation of Rs 50,000 rupees.
"We have considered this a special case and put some conditions that if the victims who are still missing return by any chance then they will have to return the money," said B D Patel, TDO, Navsari.
But for the grieving family members, this is a mockery of their tragedy.
"With this amount our household cannot even run for seven months, leave aside seven years. I have to get my daughters married also. If the government actually wants to help they should give a job to my other son," said Damyantiben, wife of one of the victims.
A year after, the dastardly attacks for the families of the fishermen, the struggle for survival continues.