The period drama stars Deepika Padukone as Queen Padmini, Shahid Kapoor as king Ratan Singh and Ranveer Singh as Sultan Alauddin Khilji, who leads an invasion to try to capture the queen. A year ago, members of the Karni Sena attacked the film's director Sanjay Leela Bhansali and vandalised the set during filming in Rajasthan. They alleged that the film showed a romance between Queen Padmini and Khilji, which the makers have emphatically denied.
Here are the highlights of the controversy surrounding 'Padmaavat':
Bars, pubs will not be shut, say police officials
Bars and pubs will not be shut in wake of protests ahead of the release of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's controversial film 'Padmaavat' tomorrow, Gurgaon Deputy Commissioner Vinay Pratap Singh has confirmed. He made the statement while denying reports that the bars and pubs have been ordered shut, reported news agency PTI.
Roads blocked, vehicles damaged by protestors in Rajasthan
Rajasthan witnessed a spate of protests with protesters from fringe outfits taking out rallies, blocking roads and damaging vehicles in different parts of the state, a day before the release of Padmaavat. Members of the Karni Sena damaged windows of two state roadways buses and blocked a road in Kalwar area in state capital Jaipur.
Protesters throw stones at a bus of GD Goenka School carrying children near Bhondsi
School Bus Attacked In Gurgaon
A school bus was attacked, a state roadways bus was burnt and roads were blocked as protesters took to the streets, demanding that the movie not be screened.
Roads blocked, vehicles damaged by protestors in Rajasthan
Clubs and bars in Gurugram to remain shut from 7 pm today
Clubs and bars in Gurugram have been ordered to remain closed from 7 pm on 24th January till further order in the light of protests against the release of the film Padmavaat, reported news agency ANI. Orders have also been issued for action against defaulters.
Will not screen 'Padmaavat', say theatre owners in Gujarat
Theatre owners in Gujarat today said 'Padmaavat' will not be screened in any of the multiplexes or single screens in the state till the row over the film is resolved, even as police arrested 50 people in connection with the violence outside malls last night, news agency PTI reported. The Gujarat Multiplex Owners Association said the decision has been taken for the safety of customers as well as to save their property.
Protestors torch bus in Haryana's Sohna Road
A bus was torched in Haryana's Sohna road today in protest against the release of Padmaavat. Protestors also pelted stones while agitating against the Sanjay Leela Bhansali film which is to release tomorrow.
Haryana: Protesters torched a bus & pelted stones at #Gurugram's Sohna Road in protest against #Padmaavat
- ANI (@ANI) January 24, 2018