Earlier in the day, south superstar Kamal Haasan who is gearing up for a political career tweeted saying he wanted the head of Deepika Padukone "saved". The actor, in his tweet, said he respects Ms Padukone's 'head' and freedom above everything else. Mr Haasan's comments came after a Haryana BJP leader shocked everyone and announced a 10-crore bounty on the heads of the cast and crew of Padmavati.
Following threats by the Karni Sena, the Karnataka government, led by Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, deployed security personnel outside Ms Padukone's Bangalore home.
Karni Sena and other fringe groups, including Rajasthan royals and politicians, are protesting against the release of the film over claims of distortion of history.
Here are the highlights of the Padmavati row:
Padmavati, the 190-crore film that has run into widespread opposition from politicians, is unlikely to be released till next year, said sources in Viacom-18, the studio that has produced the movie. Promotions for the movie, directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and starring Deepika Padukone, will be reduced. Because the producers initially intended to release Padmavati on December 1, songs and trailers have already debuted. The film must be banned, four states have said, because it offends the sentiment of Rajputs and other groups. The Supreme Court has twice this month refused to block the movie.
We have made our stand clear on it, have already given it in written to the Information & Broadcasting Ministry. SC has also clarified that CBFC should take a decision: UP CM Yogi Adityanath #Padmavati pic.twitter.com/QKrkm7KH3T
- ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) November 21, 2017
Hindustan ke saare cinema halls mein swachhta abhiyan chalaenge, ek-ek screen ko aag lagane ki takat rakhta hai Kshatriya samaj aur iss desh ka naujawan: Suraj Pal Amu, BJP #Padmavati pic.twitter.com/cKmQXKzJwP
- ANI (@ANI) November 21, 2017
There is objection over story of a film. Famous film Mughal-e-Azam showed Anarkali as Saleem's mehbooba, when in reality there is no such thing but no Muslim objected because it is a story & Muslims are large-hearted they know a film can't ruin their history: Azam Khan #Padmavati pic.twitter.com/hPKtJtknGX
- ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) November 21, 2017
In no mood to relent, Karni Sena activists created a ruckus outside a Madhya Pradesh theatre on Monday for playing the Padmavati trailer.
The film Padmavati may not be released until next year, with its producers hinting at putting their plans on hold amid unrelenting protests in several states by Rajput groups.
Actor Kamal Haasan on Tuesday weighed in on the controversy over Bollywood movie Padmavati, saying he wanted the head of Deepika Padukone "saved". His tweet was a response to a shocking comment from a Haryana BJP official on Sunday, announcing a 10-crore bounty on the heads of Ms Padukone, who played the role of the 13th Century Queen, and film-maker Sanjay Leela Bhansali.