Here are the highlights of the deferral of Padmavati's release:
- Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) November 19, 2017
Pending corruption cases: 1,555 (1st in India)
Crimes against SC/ST: 6,998 (2nd)
Rape: 3,644 (3rd)
Crimes against women: 28,165 (4th)
Female literacy: 52.66% (33rd in India)
Infant mortality: 4,100 per 100,000 live births
Biggest issue: #Padmavati ???
I was told by many industry leaders that it was a wise strategy to delay #Padmavati. Truth is that people have resigned themselves to government inaction in the face of such blatant terror. The only advice given is to shut up, retreat and accept these attacks.
- Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) November 19, 2017
Sad that bullies have prevailed again. The government's stance is disappointing but not unexpected. After all what is a film compared to elections? #SDurga #Nude and #Padmavati to begin with. Many more to come...
- Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) November 19, 2017