This Article is From Mar 17, 2011

Pak court's decision to free Raymond Davis sparks protest

Lahore: About a dozen activists of cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan's Tehrik-e-Insaf party and some policemen were injured during a protest on Wednesday against a Pakistani court's decision to free CIA contractor Raymond Davis, arrested for gunning down two men in January.

The Tehrik-e-Insaf activists gathered outside the Lahore Press Club in the evening to protest the court's decision.

They shouted slogans against the US and the Federal and Punjab governments for "forcing" the victims' families to accept a "blood money" deal for Davis' release.

The protest turned violent when policemen stopped the activists after they began damaging public property. They pelted stones at the policemen, following which police carried out a baton charge.

Police also arrested 10 protesters.

The Jamaat-e-Islami to organise a demonstration against the court's decision outside the Press Club.

Party chief Munawar Hasan told a news conference that his organisation would hold countrywide protests against the decision to free Davis.
