A Pakistan-origin drone was spotted by Border Security Force (BSF) personnel over Ferozepur district in Punjab late on Wednesday evening. This is the second time in the last three days that drones have been spotted in this area. According to news agency IANS, they were seen over Hazarsingh Wala village at 7.20 pm and then over Tendiwala village at 10.10 pm. Drones had earlier been spotted thrice on Monday night, with one reportedly flying at least a kilometre into Indian airspace before vanishing from view around midnight. Earlier the same night BSF personnel also saw more drones near the Pakistan side of the border.
"For the last two days we have been spotting a drone-like object hovering near our border with Pakistan. We have formed teams to investigate and have approached BSF also," Sukhvinder Singh, District Superintendent of Police, was quoted by news agency ANI.
Last month, Punjab Police reported drones dropping AK-47 rifles, grenades and satellite phones in eight sorties over a period of 10 days. The drones, carrying payloads of up to five kilograms each, were reportedly flying fast and low to evade detection.
One drone was recovered by police, who were led to it by a terror accused, after it failed to return to Pakistan. The drone had been hidden beneath undergrowth of a paddy field.
"This drone couldn't return to Pakistan due to a malfunction, so the accused hid it at a village near the Attari border," a senior officer of a counter-intelligence unit said.
Officials believe the weapons are meant for terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir, which was placed under clampdown after the centre, on August 5, withdrew special status under Article 370.
Pakistan slammed the move and tried to repeatedly but unsuccessfully raise the issue before the international community and the United Nations.
Intelligence agencies have reported Pakistan has reactivate terror camps along the Line of Control and predict a steep rise in infiltration attempts. The warning comes after Army Chief Bipini Rawat, last month, confirmed that the Balakot terror camp, bombed by the Indian Air Force in February, had also been "very recently" reactivated.
The drone sightings and weapon drops come despite BSF claims the border had been fortified through Operation Sudarshan. Conducted in July, it was aimed at tightening vigil along the porous border. The force was directed to strengthen their watchtower and man sentry posts more efficiently, besides organising multiple patrolling.
With input from IANS, ANI
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