This Article is From Jul 12, 2016

Refrain, Warns India, After Nawaz Sharif Supports Terrorist Burhan Wani

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  • Pak premier describes killed terrorist Burhan Wani as "Kashmiri leader"
  • Wani, 22, was leader of Hizbul Mujahideen
  • Don't interfere in India's internal affairs: statement from Delhi
Islamabad: The Pakistani government and internationally-condemned terrorist Hafiz Saeed today sought to lionise terrorist Burhan Wani, who was killed in Kashmir on Friday, provoking large clashes which have killed 30 people and left over 800 injured.

The comments from Pakistan prove its "attachment to terrorism," India charged. "Pakistan is advised to refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of its neighbours," said the statement issued by Foreign Ministry.

India's sharp rebuttal followed Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif describing Wani, the 22-year-old leader of the Hizbul Mujahideen, as a "Kashmiri leader".

"The Prime Minister of Pakistan has expressed his deep shock at the killing of Kashmiri leader Burhan Wani and many other civilians by the Indian military and paramilitary forces," said Mr Sharif's office.

The Hizbul Mujahideen, the largest terror group in Kashmir, was able to recruit young men largely because of Wani's agile use of social media. He was killed by security forces in Kashmir on Friday. Since then, arson and violence have seared the state as thousands of Kashmiris have expressed their anger over his death, seen as stark evidence of the resurgence of militancy and its appeal among well-educated young men in the state.

Most of those killed in the violence between rock-throwing demonstrators and security officers were men under the age of 26.

In Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir today, terrorist Hafiz Saeed, who has plotted and executed some of India's deadliest terror attacks, held a rally eulogising Wani and warned publicly that "many more Burhan Wanis" will wage war against India. He shared the stage with another much-wanted man in India, Sayeed Salahuddin, also a leader of the Hizbul Mujahideen.

Terrorist Hafiz Saeed held rally for Burhan Wani, head of Hizbul Mujahideen in Kashmir

Police stations have been set on fire, a police officer was drowned after his vehicle was forced by protestors into the Jhelum river, and nearly 100 members of security forces have been injured, said K Rajendra Kumar, the Director General of Jammu and Kashmir Police to news agency Reuters.

All 10 districts of the Kashmir Valley remain under curfew with internet services suspended.

Burhan Wani (Centre), head of Hizbul Mujahideen in Kashmir, was influential on social media

Wani wore military fatigues and posed with weapons seized from attacks on security officers in photos and videos that went viral on Facebook, where he called for jihad through different accounts to avoid being traced.