Closeon the heels of the strong statement made by Home Minister PChidambaram that Pakistan should quit sponsoring terror, a statementthat was not viewed favourably by Pakistan; India's Defence Minister AKAntony said that Indo-Pak relations cannot improve till the lattercurbs terror and stops trying to push trained terrorists into Jammu andKashmir.
Antony said, "Large numbers of terrorist camps areoperating from across border. Unless serious and sincere efforts aremade to control the terrorists, it is very difficult to improverelations with Pakistan. Even now, there is continuous effort to pushtrained terrorists to Jammu and Kashmir. It is a matter for concern forus."
On Maoist violence, the defence minister did not rule out using armed forces if situation gets out of hand.
Commenting on Maoist violence, Antony said, "It is an internal security matter. Only if situation gets out of hand and reaches last stage, then we may have to think about using armed forces. Government is taking stringent measures to control Maoist violence. As of now, Army will not be called in."
Antony said, "Large numbers of terrorist camps areoperating from across border. Unless serious and sincere efforts aremade to control the terrorists, it is very difficult to improverelations with Pakistan. Even now, there is continuous effort to pushtrained terrorists to Jammu and Kashmir. It is a matter for concern forus."
On Maoist violence, the defence minister did not rule out using armed forces if situation gets out of hand.
Commenting on Maoist violence, Antony said, "It is an internal security matter. Only if situation gets out of hand and reaches last stage, then we may have to think about using armed forces. Government is taking stringent measures to control Maoist violence. As of now, Army will not be called in."