This Article is From May 20, 2010

Pakistani faces behind 26/11

Mumbai: The Pakistani hand behind 26/11 was exposed soon after the attack, audio tapes revealed how closely Pakistani handlers were directing the terrorists. Now for the first time, pictures of some of the men from across the border who helped organise the attacks have been revealed.

According to Pakistani FIR, faces of the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) handlers in Pakistan are now out in the open.

Faces behind 26/11
  • Abu Al Qama: One of the handlers who directed the terrorists on phone
  • Iftikar Ali: The man who claimed to be Khadak Singh and opened VOIP accounts for communication
  • Shahid Jameel Riaz: Accused of funding and facilitating the attack
  • Hammad Amin Sadiq: A facilitator who procured hideouts in Pakistan for the terrorists
While seven accused, including Zaki Ur Rehman Lakhvi and Zaraar Shah, are being tried in a Rawalpindi court, Pakistan claims only 13 nationals linked to 26/11 are still absconding.

Muhammed Naeem, Riaz Ahmed, Abdul Rehman and others, all crew members of the Pakistani boat Al Hussaini that was used to ferry Kasab and nine other terrorists to India.

They are accused of killing crew members of the hijacked Indian trawler Kuber and of conspiring in the most audacious terror attack India has ever seen.