This Article is From Sep 04, 2013

Pakistan's judicial panel on 26/11 attacks cancels visit to India

New Delhi: A Pakistani judicial commission, scheduled to arrive in Delhi on Saturday to cross-examine witnesses of the Mumbai terror attacks, has cancelled its visit.

The eight-member Commission has reportedly called-off its visit citing "technical and procedural issues".

Last week, prosecutors had informed an anti-terrorism court in Islamabad that a letter from the Indian government dated August 23 had stated that the Pakistani judicial commission could visit Mumbai during September 5-6.

"The commission will leave on September 7 for Delhi and it will need at least four days to cross-examine the four witnesses (in Mumbai)," Riaz Akram Cheema, part of the team defending the accused, had told the court.

The witnesses are the magistrate who recorded Lashkar-e-Taiba member Ajmal Kasab's confessional statement, the chief investigating officer and two doctors who conducted the autopsy of the terrorists who carried out the attacks in November 2008.

With cancellation of this visit, the on-going trial of seven suspects in the Mumbai attacks case in Pakistan will suffer further delay.

Earlier, the report submitted by the panel after its first visit in March 2012 was rejected by an anti-terrorism court as the commission's members were not allowed to cross-examine witnesses.