Prime Minister Narendra Modi conducted an interactive session, "Pariksha Par Charcha", also being dubbed as "Exam Ki Baat" with thousands of students at Delhi's Talkatora Stadium on Friday. Students, who also connected with him through pre-recorded videos, asked exam-related queries from the Prime Minister. Before he took questions from the students, he said, "You are not talking to the Prime Minister of India, you are talking to a friend.". "Pariksha Par Charcha" comes two weeks after the Prime Minister launched his book titled 'Exam Warriors' that contains 25 mantras to help students face examinations without stress. The interaction is aimed at bringing to the fore a discourse about the importance of stress-free examinations.
Here are top quotes from Prime Minister from "Pariksha Par Charcha" interaction:
"Always keep the student in you alive"
"Concentration isn't something that has to be specifically learnt. Every person concentrates on something or the other during the day, it may be while reading, hearing a song, talking to a friend"
"Yoga is a wonderful way to improve concentration"
"Do not compete with others, compete with yourself"
"Live free. Lead your life thinking that you want to 'do' something, not 'be' something."
"Every child in India is a born politician. They know how to get their work done, be it through their grandparents, or mother or father or even their sibling"
"I would request parents not to make the achievements of their child a matter of social prestige. Every child is blessed with unique talents"
"Self-confidence is very important. It's not a pill or herb. There is no tablet that can be consumed for instant confidence. We have to build it every day."
"During exams, sleeping is vital but more important is the quality of sleep"
"We must connect with nature. Appreciate nature. That at times works as a great stress-buster."