The Lok Sabha was adjourned for the day after it witnessed uproar over Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan's statement during the Question Hour condemning the "outlandish" remarks made by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi against Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Congress MP from Tamil Nadu Manickam Tagore attempted to aggressively reach Mr. Vardhan. The House was then adjourned till 1 pm and after that till 2 pm.
Reacting on the episode, Mr Gandhi alleged that his voice is being suppressed in the House.
After the incident Rahul Gandhi spoke to reporters and said, "There is a issue in Wayanad about them not having Medical College this is long standing issue so I wanted to raise this issue in the House."
"The orchestrated ruckus in Parliament today was designed to prevent me from questioning the Govt. The youth of India can clearly see that the PM has no clue about how to tackle the unemployment crisis. To protect him, the BJP will keep disrupting Parliament, preventing debate," Mr Gandhi tweeted.
Mr Gandhi while addressing an election rally on Thursday, said that Modi would not be able to come out of his home after six months as the youths would beat him up with sticks and make him understand that the country could not progress unless he provides employment to them.
On Thursday, PM Modi referred to the comment and said he would increase the number of Surya Namaskars (a yoga exercise) to strengthen his back for the "attack".
The Budget session of the Parliament began on January 31 with a speech by President Ram Nath Kovind in a joint session of both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. The first part of Budget session will end on February 11.
Here are the live updates of Parliament Budget Session:
Taking to Twitter, Rahul Gandhi said, "The orchestrated ruckus in Parliament today was designed to prevent me from questioning the Govt. The youth of India can clearly see that the PM has no clue about how to tackle the unemployment crisis. To protect him, the BJP will keep disrupting Parliament, preventing debate."
"After Rahul Gandhi's instigation, they thought of showing the 'danda' way. This was an attempt to manhandle Dr. Harsh Vardhan. This shows the frustration level of Congress and is height of gundaism," said Parliamentary Affairs Minister Prahlad Joshi on scuffle in Lok Sabha, news agency ANI reported.
BJP West Bengal MPs staged a protest in Parliament with placards stating, "Save Democracy in West Bengal" and "Stop Rapes in West Bengal", news agency ANI reported.
CPI(M) MP K K Ragesh has given a Zero Hour Notice in Rajya Sabha over "alleged criminal attack on Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) teachers and students". JD(U) Leader Ram Nath Thakur has sought discussion on "demand for caste specific census in 2021" in Rajya Sabha, news agency ANI reported.