Both Houses of the Parliament have been adjourned till tomorrow amid ruckus by Opposition members who are demanding a discussion on the Hindenburg report and a massive decline in share prices of the Adani Group. Earlier, both the Houses were adjourned till 2 pm when the session resumed this morning. The Houses were adjourned again within minutes of resumption at 2 pm as the ruckus continued. The Opposition parties jointly addressed the media today and put forward their other demands of constituting a joint parliamentary panel and a Supreme Court-monitored probe panel to look into the Adani row.
Both Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha will resume at 11 am tomorrow.
Here are the Highlights on Budget Session:
Rajya Sabha proceedings were adjourned till tomorrow as ruckus continued over the Opposition demands for discussion on the Adani row. Lok Sabha proceedings too have been adjourned till tomorrow amid ruckus over the same issue.
Lok Sabha proceedings were adjourned till tomorrow as ruckus continued after the Lower House resumed for Budget Session at 2 pm. The Parliamentary Affairs Minister spoke around 2:04 pm in the Lok Sabha, urging the Opposition members to cooperate with the proceedings. But as the ruckus went on, the House was adjourned. This is the second time the House was adjourned today. Earlier, proceedings were adjourned till 2 pm when ruckus erupted after the House met at 11 am. The Opposition members have been demanding a discussion on the Adani row in the Parliament.
"We (opposition parties) have taken a decision to call for discussion on all the scams taking place in the country. We have given the suspension of Business Notice under rule 267 to discuss the issue of investment by LIC, Public Sector Banks and financial institutions in companies losing market value, endangering the hard-earned money of crores of Indians. Large number of people have invested their hard-earned money in LIC, which in turn has invested in companies like the one whose share price has tanked after a US based company raised serious questions on it. We want a joint parliamentary committee or a Supreme Court-monitored panel to probe the matter."
Opposition parties will address the media at 11:30 am. Both Houses of the Parliament have been adjourned till 2 pm.
Both Houses of the Parliament have been adjourned till 2 pm due to ruckus by Opposition members demanding a discussion on the Hindenburg report on the Adani Group and the massive decline in the share prices of the conglomerate.
- LOK SABHA (@LokSabhaSectt) February 2, 2023

Congress MPs Manickam Tagore and Manish Tewari have given adjournment notices in the Lok Sabha to discuss the Adani Group issue and Chinese transgressions along the border. Mr Tagore, the party's whip in Lok Sabha, said there is an emergency situation due to diminishing shares of the Adani group. Mr Tewari said in his notice that the House suspend Zero Hour and other businesses of the day to have a detailed discussion on the border situation with China.