Union Minister Amit Shah will table the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation Amendment Bill in the Lok Sabha today, the first legislative business of the BJP president in parliament after he was elected to the lower house in the national polls last month, followed by his cabinet appointment. The bill had earlier been enforced as an ordinance. On February 28, the Union cabinet had approved 'The Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Ordinance, 2019' and it was cleared by President Ram Nath Kovind. The bill is aimed at replacing the ordinance to provide 10 per cent reservation for economically weaker sections in Jammu and Kashmir. Amit Shah's legislative agenda is expected to be closely followed and his decision to start out with a bill related to Jammu and Kashmir is significant.
Here are the live updates of the Parliament session:
Congress leader in Lok Sabha, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury: Did you manage to catch anybody in 2G & coal allocation scam? Did you manage to send Sonia Gandhi ji & Rahul Gandhi ji behind the bars? You came to power by calling them thieves, then how are they sitting in the parliament? pic.twitter.com/aOZnDUgAKg
- ANI (@ANI) 24 June 2019