Prime Minister Narendra Modi replied to the debate on the motion of thanks to the president's address in the Lok Sabha today. The discussion started yesterday and the motion is likely to be adopted by the House, where the ruling NDA has a big majority, tomorrow, following the prime minister's reply. The BJP has issued a whip asking its members to be present in the House today and the day after.
The debate on the motion of thanks to President Ram Nath Kovind's address to the joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament on the opening day of the Budget Session began yesterday. It was initiated by the BJP's chief whip Rakesh Singh.
President Ram Nath Kovind addressed a joint sitting of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha on January 31 -- when the budget session began.
On the fourth day of the Parliament's Budget Session today, the Rajya Sabha was adjourned for the day over faculty reservation issue in universities.