Union Minister Rajnath Singh today said that the BJP had nothing to do with the situation in Karnataka where several Congress and JD-S MLAs have quit, puttng the coalition government in a crisis. Taking a dig at former Congress President Rahul Gandhi, Rajnath Singh said the campaign of tendering resignation was started by him and it had nothing to do with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The Minister was responding to Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury who accused the BJP of trying to destabilize the Congress-JD(S) coalition in Karnataka. Rajnath Singh said his party did not believe in the politics of horse-trading or inducements. "Whatever is happening in Karnataka, our party has nothing to do with it. Our party is fully committed to the dignity of parliamentary democracy," he said.
Here are the LIVE Updates from the Parliament Session:
Delhi: Congress MPs in Lok Sabha, today, raised 'Save democracy' posters over recent developments in #Karnataka pic.twitter.com/zcCWR8xNO2
- ANI (@ANI) July 8, 2019