Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said his heart was filled with anguish and anger over the horrific video of two women paraded naked in Manipur, which went viral on Wednesday, and said the guilty would not be spared. "I want to assure the nation, no guilty will be spared. Action will be taken according to the law. What happened to the daughters of Manipur can never be forgiven," PM Modi said in his remarks before the start of the monsoon session of parliament.
Fifteen opposition MPs have moved an adjournment motion asking the Parliament to suspend all business and discuss the ongoing violence in Manipur.
The government has drawn up a heavy legislative schedule with 31 bills to be taken up during the monsoon session. Among them is a bill meant to replace the Ordinance that gives Centre the power to control bureaucrats posted in Delhi.
Here are the LIVE UPDATES on Parliament Monsoon Session:
The government is ready for a discussion on Manipur, Union Minister Piyush Goyal said, accusing the Oppostition of intentionally trying to disrupt the proceedings of the House. "...After seeing the Opposition's attitude it becomes clear that they have made up their mind to not let the Parliament function...Even when Govt made it clear that we are ready to discuss the Manipur incidents, Congress and other Opposition disrupted the proceedings of the House and did not let discussions take place as per the rules. This makes it clear that they absolutely do not want the Parliament to function," he said.
Both houses of the parliament - Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha - have been adjourned till 2pm.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses media ahead of monsoon session.
The government has drawn up a heavy legislative schedule with 31 bills to be taken up during the monsoon session. Among them is a bill meant to replace the Ordinance that gives Centre the power to control bureaucrats posted in Delhi.