Bharatiya Janata Party leader Pragya Thakur Singh today apologised in the Lok Sabha for "hurting sentiments" with her comments in the Parliament, amid a massive controversy over her calling Nathuram Godse a patriot. However, she told the parliament that her comments were "distorted" by the opposition.
The 49-year-old lawmaker also alleged that she had been called a terrorist by an MP though there was no evidence against her. Pragya Thakur was referring to Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, who had yesterday said: "Terrorist Pragya calls terrorist Godse, a patriot. A sad day in the history of India's parliament."
BJP members cried "shame" at Congress MPs across the house and demanded an apology from Rahul Gandhi. Stung by her aggressive statement, the opposition said her apology was not good enough and shouted slogans of "Down, down Godse" and "Long live Mahatma Gandhi".
The winter session of parliament will today consider some bills for discussion and passing. They include Taxation Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2019. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is scheduled to move that the bill further to amend the Income Tax Act, 1961, and to amend the Finance Act, 2019, be taken into consideration. A speech by Law and Information Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on the Pegasus spyware is also likely to come up.
Here are the live updates from Parliament winter session:
Delhi: Youth Congress Workers dressed as Mahatma Gandhi protest against BJP MP Pragya Thakur over her remark referring to Nathuram Godse as 'deshbhakt' in the Parliament.
- ANI (@ANI) November 29, 2019
"Calling a woman and Member of Parliament, a terrorist is even worse than the murder of Mahatma Gandhi," says BJP's Nishikant Dubey in Lok Sabha.
- NDTV (@ndtv) November 29, 2019
#WATCH "I apologise If I have hurt any sentiments. My statements being distorted, taken out of context. A member of the House referred to me as 'terrorist' without proof. It is an attack on my dignity," BJP MP Pragya Singh Thakur in Lok Sabha
- ANI (@ANI) November 29, 2019