Payal Rohatgi, a small-time Bollywood actress, was arrested and sent to judicial custody - till December 24 - by a local court in Rajasthan this morning. The Bundi District Court had earlier rejected Ms Rohatgi's bail plea; her lawyer is planning an appeal against that rejection. On Sunday Ms Rohatgi had been detained - from her residence in Ahmedabad in Gujarat - by a Rajasthan Police team in connection with a case relating to posting of allegedly objectionable content about the Nehru-Gandhi family on social media.
She has been booked under relevant sections of the IT Act and the Indian Penal Code, including that which deals with insulting with intent to provoke a breach of peace. Ms Rohatgi had, earlier this month, been served a notice that she had failed to answer, leading to a team of police officers being formed to bring her into custody.
Arguing for Payal Rohatgi, lawyer Bhupedra Saxena told the court his client had freedom of expression that was guaranteed under the Constitution.
"Freedom of expression is a right guaranteed under the Constitution and whatever Payal Rohatgi said was not something of her own volition... she was quoting from MO Mathai's book," he said.
In response Dinesh Parekh, appearing for the complainant.- the Congress's Charmesh Sharma - reminded the court Ms Rohatgi had posted scurrilous content about members of the Nehru-Gandhi family.
Payal Rohatgi has said she made the video - the allegedly objectionable content in question - when a discussion on 'triple talaq' was happening in parliament (in the Monsoon session) and she felt the Congress was not supporting the bill.
A case had earlier been registered by Rajasthan Youth Congress General Secretary Charmesh Sharma. In his complaint Mr Sharma alleged the content tarnished the image of the country and spread vulgarity and religious hatred, besides disgracing a woman's character.
The content had been posted to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram on September 6 and again on September 21.
Earlier this month, Ms Rohatgi alleged on Twitter that Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot was being pressured by the Gandhi family into acting against her.
She claimed she had a "recording" of people referring to the pressure and sought an apology from interim Congress President Sonia Gandhi and her daughter Priyanka Gandhi Vadra.
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