A Chennai court has dismissed the plea filed by Dravidar Viduthalai Kazhagam (DVK) seeking direction to police to register a case against actor-turned-politician Rajinikanth over his remarks on Periyar.
Earlier this year, the Madras High Court dismissed a case filed against Rajinikanth over his comment on Periyar. The case was filed by DVK.
On the 50th anniversary event of a Tamil magazine, Rajinikanth had reportedly said on January 14 that at a rally in 1971 led by late Periyar, idols of Lord Ram and Sita were taken out without any clothes on them and the deities also featured a garland of sandals.
Rajinikanth refused to apologise for his remarks on Periyar saying that the comments were based on reports that have already appeared in the media
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