A day ahead of inaugurating the 10th Vibrant Gujarat Summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday launched the Vibrant Gujarat Global Trade Show 2024. Spread over an area of nearly 2 lakh square metres at the Helipad Ground in Gandhinagar, the trade show will be open for business visitors on Wednesday and Thursday and to the public for two days after that.
The Global Trade Show is hosting 20 countries, including Australia, South Korea, Singapore, UAE, UK, Germany, Norway, Russia and Japan. As many as 100 countries are participating as visiting countries, while 33 are joining as partners.
The event will host over 1,000 exhibitors from the research sector, highlighting ongoing research and innovations across various fields.
"The trade show presents cutting-edge products and services across various sectors, including agro and food processing, automobiles and auto components, ceramics, chemicals and petrochemicals, gems and jewellery, pharmaceuticals, ports and marine. Key industries like textiles and garments, electric vehicles, green hydrogen, aircraft and allied industries, renewable energy, semiconductors and ESDM, fintech, cybersecurity, AI, and machine learning will be the focal points of this trade show," a statement said.
The venue also has the Gujarat Experience Zone, which will highlight the state's cultural impact and showcase its heritage. "This exhibition provides the first glimpse into the dynamic tapestry of Gujarat's rich artistic legacy, ancient culture, spiritual heritage, and multifaceted tourism experiences, seamlessly blending modern architecture and art, positioned on the global platform," the statement said.
There is also an e-mobility pavilion which will provide information on electric vehicles, sustainable mobility and charging infrastructure.
On Wednesday, the Prime Minister will inaugurate the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit in Gandhinagar's Mahatma Mandir. The summit is held once every two years and the theme for this year, which will be its 10th edition, is 'Gateway to the Future' and will celebrate "20 Years of Vibrant Gujarat as the Summit of Success".