Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday expressed condolences on the demise of Malayalam actor Nedumudi Venu and said that he was a versatile actor, who could fill life into diverse roles across many genres.
The Prime Minister said that his passing away is a loss to the world of films and culture.
"Shri Nedumudi Venu was a versatile actor, who could fill life into diverse roles across many genres. He was also a prolific writer and was passionate about theatre. His passing away is a loss to the world of films and culture. Condolences to his family and admirers. Om Shanti,"the Prime Minister said in a tweet.
Nedumudi Venu, who was undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Kerala''s Thiruvananthapuram passed away on Monday at the age of 73.
The actor, who in a career spanning four decades had acted in more than 500 films, including a few Tamil films, was in the hospital for some health-related issue. He was suffering from liver-related ailments.
As an actor he had carved a niche in the Malayalam film industry, handling various roles from hero-villain to comedian, bringing alive the characters on the celluloid, which he handled with perfection.