Prime Minister Narendra Modi today shared a video on the ongoing 21-day long Ashadhi Ekadashi Wari (pilgrimage) in Maharashtra's Pandharpur. The Pandharpur Wari, the annual pilgrimage to Pandharpur in honour of Sant Tukaram and Sant Dnyaneshwar, is carried out in the Ashadha Shukla Ekadashi month as per the Marathi calendar.
In the one minute 30 second video, PM Modi explained the connection between Pandharpur town in Solapur district with Ashadhi Ekadashi, which falls today (July 12) this year.
The beautiful town of Pandharpur in Maharashtra has a special link with Ashadhi Ekadashi.
- Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) July 12, 2019
Know more in this video.
The annual "puja" of Lord Vitthal in Pandharpur town commences every year in late June, with lakhs of devotees marching on foot from different parts of the state, and from neighbouring states like Goa, Karnataka, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
The devotees are warmly welcomed by villagers all along the approximately 250-km long routes.
During the journey, the devotees, sporting holy basil beads, sing the glory of Lord Vithoba and other saints, and the march finally culminates at Pandharpur on the auspicious Ashadhi Ekadashi.
Considered over seven centuries old, the Pandharpur Ashadi Ekadashi Wari journey has been honored by UK's World Book of Records for being one of the most visited place on a single day.
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