Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday greeted DV Sadananda Gowda, his ministerial colleague on his birthday. "Greetings to Union Minister Shri DV Sadananda Gowda Ji on his birthday. He is an experienced leader who has worked to strengthen our party at the grassroots. He's at the forefront of ensuring growth of the important chemicals and fertilisers sectors. Praying for his long life," PM Modi tweeted. PM Modi said the Bharatiya Janata Party leader has made big contributions in strengthening the party at the grassroots.
Senior Union Ministers Rajnath Singh, Prakash Javadekar and others also greeted Sadananda Gowda on his birthday.
''He is admired by everyone for his humility and down to earth nature. He has served the nation and the party in several capacities and discharged his duties with complete dedication. Praying for his good health and long life,'' Rajnath Singh tweeted.
Another of his cabinet colleagues, Prakash Javadekar tweeted, ''Birthday Greetings to Shri DV Sadananda Gowda ji, Minister for Chemicals and Fertilizers. May you be blessed with good health and long life.''
Sadananda Gowda represents the Bangalore North constituency in Lok Sabha. He had also served as the 20th Chief Minister of Karnataka. Earlier he had been the Law Minister and the Railways Minister in 2016.