Preparations for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's scheduled mega event in poll-bound Rajasthan later today saw Union Minister and Jodhpur MP Gajendra Singh Shekhawat last evening knocking on the doors of a party colleague he doesn't see eye-to-eye with -- former Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje. The BJP's campaign for the state elections will kick off today, with a "Parivartan Maha Sammelan" in Jaipur, to be addressed by the PM. The event marks the culmination of the BJP's four-phase "Parivartan Yatras", led by senior party leaders across Rajasthan, which travelled across all 200 assembly constituencies to build momentum for the party ahead of the state elections.
Ms Raje was missing from the Yatra on her home turf in Jhalawar and Kota in the last two days. Mr Shekhawat's sudden visit, triggering political buzz, is being seen as a courtesy call to send out a message that Vasundhara Raje is on board with the BJP, and happy to be part of the combined leadership formula of the Parivartan Yatra.
The two leaders have not been close ever since Ms Raje opposed Mr Shekhawat's appointment as BJP chief in Rajasthan in 2018 saying it would distance the jaat community from the party in the 2018 elections.
After meeting Mr Shekhawat, Ms Raje also attended the BJP's core committee meeting held at night at the BJP office in Jaipur.
The mega rally in Dadiya in Sanganer, 16 km south of Jaipur, today will also see the PM take part in a public meeting on the passing of the women's reservation bill. The BJP's women's wing has been tasked with organising the event. They will command 42 blocks of the "Parivartan Sankalp Mahasabha", and also shower flower petals on the PM has he reaches the stage in an open jeep.
Before the rally, the PM will pay respects to Deendayal Upadhyaya at a memorial constructed at his native place in Dhankya Village, about 40 kms from the venue.